Black Films

A series dedicated to the impact the movie industry has on us as a melanated couple and community. Listen in as we discuss the deepest movies we have come across!

Hosted ByGary & Sharene

Do you remember that conversation you had with the squad, your best friend, a partner in crime, lover or whoever when watching the latest “Urban” film? Why do they even call it Urban anyway when it really is just a melanated/black movie discussing everything we think about internally? I mean really tho…


In this series, we will discuss our conversations between each other and others about the movies we found the most impactful! No matter what the movie deals with and how impactful it may have been to a melanated brother or sister, we are gonna talk about it!


Our hope for this series and all the episodes is to grow and connect with the actors that made us clench our fists in anger or break down into tears. Have them on the show to get the raw emotion from them on playing the role and showcasing the emotion we all feel on the inside. But until then we will give our honest and raw opinions on how it affected us watching each movie for the first time and what it means to us to have these thoughts showcased for the world to see.